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Comparison between 100G single-wave optical modules and traditional 100G optical modules

2024-03-21 Visits:313 Leave a message

In recent years, with the rapid development of data centers and cloud computing, the demand for high-speed network equipment has also increased. 100G Ethernet has become the mainstream standard for high-speed networks, and in 100G Ethernet, both single-wave optical modules and traditional optical modules are widely used. However, they have significant differences in some aspects. In this article, ETU-LINK will compare the two modules.

I. The difference between 100G single-wave optical modules and traditional 100G optical modules

Traditional 100G optical module

Traditional 100G optical modules use multi-wavelength technology, which typically requires four wavelengths to transmit 100Gbps data. This requires more components, including multiple lasers, modulators, multiplexers, and demultiplexers, which increases cost and power consumption. In addition, the port density and bandwidth density of traditional optical modules are relatively low.


100G single-wave optical module

Single-mode optical modules are a new type of high-speed transmission module that uses single-wavelength technology to achieve transmission rates up to 100Gbps at a single wavelength. This means that single-mode optical modules can achieve simpler optical designs, reducing the number and complexity of components, thereby reducing costs and power consumption (optical device costs account for about 60% of the total cost of the optical module). In addition, single-mode optical modules also have higher density, enabling higher port density and higher bandwidth density.


However, single-wave optical modules also have some disadvantages. Firstly, due to their single-wavelength technology, their transmission distance is limited and they cannot achieve long-distance transmission like traditional optical modules. Secondly, due to their new technology, single-wave optical modules have relatively high costs.

II. Classification of 100G single-wave optical modules

At present, there are four types of 100G single-mode optical modules: 100G QSFP28 DR, 100G QSFP28 FR, 100G QSFP28 LR, and 100G QSFP28 ER. They all belong to single-mode optical modules with a working wavelength of 1310nm. The following table shows the specific parameters:

EncapsulationThe modeInterfaceFiber typeWavelengthDistance from
QSFP28DRLCSingle mode SM1310nm500m
QSFP28FRLCSingle mode SM1310nm2km
QSFP28LRLCSingle mode SM1310nm10km
QSFP28ERLCSingle mode SM1310nm40km

III. Alternative or complementary solutions for 100G long-distance transmission

The 100G single-wave optical module can be used as an alternative or complementary solution for 100G long-distance transmission, mainly based on the following considerations:

1. The 100G single-wave optical module is an important development in high-speed optical communication technology, featuring high speed, low power consumption, and high reliability, and can effectively meet the high-speed transmission requirements in big data, cloud computing, high-speed networking, and other fields.

Compared with traditional 100G long-distance transmission solutions, 100G single-wave optical modules have higher bandwidth utilization and lower costs. Traditional 100G long-distance transmission solutions require the use of complex optical devices and modulation technologies, which have high costs and relatively low bandwidth utilization.

IV.100G single-wave optical modules help the continuous development of optical communication technology

100G single-wave optical modules are widely used in data centers, cloud computing, high-speed networks, and other fields, providing an effective solution to meet the high-speed transmission requirements of these applications. 100G single-wave optical modules use single-channel 100G PAM4 technology, during which many key technologies have been further researched and developed, providing a technical foundation and experience accumulation for the realization of higher-rate optical communication technologies such as 400G. 100G single-wave optical modules provide assistance for the development of 400G in terms of technological evolution, market demand, and technological accumulation, promoting the continuous development and upgrading of optical communication technology. As a professional optical module manufacturer, Gigac can provide a full range of products including optical modules, DAC high-speed cables, AOC active optical cables, etc. The above is all about 100G optical modules for reference only.  For more information about optical communication, please follow Gigac. Looking forward to meeting you!